Dit het 'n hoë sterkte, elastisiteit en slytweerstand, en het 'n hoë korrosieweerstand in die atmosfeer, vars water, seewater en sekere sure. Dit kan gesweis word, gas gesweis, nie maklik om te brail nie, en kan die druk goed weerstaan in koue of warm toestande. Verwerking, kan nie geblus en getemper word nie.
Bronsstok (brons) is die mees gebruikte slytasie-weerstandige koperlegeringsmateriaal. It has excellent turning properties, medium tensile strength, is not prone to dezincification, and has acceptable corrosion resistance to seawater and salt water. Bronsstok (brons) is die mees gebruikte slytasie-weerstandige koperlegeringsmateriaal. It has excellent turning properties, medium tensile strength, is not prone to dezincification, and has acceptable corrosion resistance to seawater and salt water.
Bronsplaat is 'n produk wat verbeter word deur vlekvrye staalprosedegnologie. It has been widely used in recent years because of its advantages beyond the performance of stainless steel itself and its diverse product colors. The product has a highly corrosion-resistant copper layer, and the production process can maintain the original advantages of the stainless steel edge.